
Initial Intake session

During our first appointment, we will delve deep into the issues currently affecting you and discuss your goals. Please be prepared to share relevant history and goals at that time.

Hourly sessions

After our first session, we can meet at your convenience, either online or in person.

Additional Services

Additional services can offer further insights and feedback regarding the root causes of illness, disturbances, or unexplained symptoms. This woud be on a hourly consultation basis.

Please schedule a Discovery Call or email with questions.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ allows people to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers. Some people call this the Higher Self, the Over Soul, the Super Conscious. With QHHT®, clients are able to have a much clearer understanding of why things are the way they are — and to ultimately create change within themselves.

QHHT® achieves the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance. The Somnambulistic state is ordinarily experienced two times a day: just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep. Most hypnotists do not work in the Somnambulistic level, either because they don’t have the ability to access this level of trance, or they are wary of working in the most mysterious level of hypnosis, which can produce unexpected results, such as reliving a past life.

Following in the tradition of Dolores Cannon, the QHHT® Practitioner asks the Subconscious to reveal information unknown to the conscious mind of the subject that will aid in healing and uncovering the root causes of both mental and physical afflictions, illnesses and phobias. The Subconscious always selects the information most helpful to the person in need. By nature the Subconscious is akin to the Soul and therefore understands the entire situation and every aspect of the individual, including issues from past lives that may be affecting them in their present life.

Medical Intuition

The premise of medical intuition is that the body and its bio-field contain information related not only to physical imbalance but also to emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances. Medical intuition aims to bring the underlying energetic causes and drivers of illness, imbalance, and disease to conscious awareness, promoting well-being in body, mind, and spirit. These practices often identify the point of origin of past trauma, encompassing both past and present lifetimes. Medical intuition relies on visualization skills and intuitive and innovative scanning techniques to gather information from the physical body and its energy systems.

Please note that these readings do not serve as diagnoses of illness or disease. Instead, they facilitate a deeper understanding of oneself and provide optional healing practices.

Soul Reading

A soul reading delves into your soul’s purpose, strengths, and challenges. It includes a medical intuitive scan to identify energetic imbalances within your body. These readings encompass various messages, guidance, and communications from Spirit and Intuition, such as insights on karmic bonds, advice from your higher self, guides, angels, and ancestors. The report also includes healing recommendations, affirmations, and potential quantum energetic healing. Following the completion of the report, we will review it together in a 45-minute session to address any questions and discuss healing recommendations related to body, mind, and soul.

Animal Communication

These readings can be done remotely or in person. If remote please send a photo, name and questions you may have to your pet. These readings are done with pets who have passed as well as pets who are alive. They provide, healing in both physical world, as well as connection and communication with our most precious companions in Spirit, after they have passed. Please call for further information.

During our time together, I will help you achieve a more profound sense of connection and personal transformation. We do this together as I deeply sense, listen, and guide your healing journey to bring relief, clarity, and self-love into your life.

Healing Modalities:

My training and experience allow me to bring the following modalities of healing into your session:

Quantum-Enhanced Eye Movement and Rapid Desensitization (EMDR)

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a highly effective and lasting process for releasing negative beliefs resulting from trauma, conditioning, and programming. My training includes experience in using EMDR and Quantum Energy techniques to accelerate healing and enhance vibrational effects.

"EMDR is a structured therapy that encourages the patient to briefly focus on the trauma memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements), associated with a reduction in the vividness and emotion associated with the trauma memories. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an extensively researched, effective psychotherapy method proven to help people recover from trauma and PTSD symptoms." —EMDR International Association


Reiki is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that promotes healing. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance flowing through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person, including the body, emotions, mind, and spirit, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and symptom relief to improve overall health and well-being.

AIR Network/Neuro-Dissociative Disorders and Post-Traumatic Stress

AIR Network is a neuro-developmental, competency-based therapy model designed to help people heal from past trauma and neglect. Clients with complex neuro-dissociative states have different relational and therapeutic needs than those with trauma histories without more complex types of dissociation. Each individual is supported in building skills, experiences, support networks, resilience, and coping mechanisms to achieve and sustain long-term change. This therapy allows the negative voices of the past to fade, creating a sense of safety and wholeness. Treatment facilitates lifelong coping skills and lasting change, leading to an authentic and genuinely connected life.

Indigenous Focused Oriented Therapy (IFOT)

As a certified IFOT practitioner, I address deeper layers of trauma often not addressed in a colonized system. This includes systemic trauma and occupational injuries often experienced by residential school survivors and noted in first responders. IFOT healing extends beyond the current lifetime, addressing wounding from past lives and ancestral/cultural trauma.

This practice offers a humanistic, person-centered approach to healing, honoring the core values of each individual and community, and respecting local traditions. IFOT is a body-centered, client-centered, land-based, all-my-relations approach. I specialize in complex trauma, anxiety, depression, life/career coaching, substance misuse/abuse, healthy relationships, emotional support, and intergenerational effects.

Art Therapy (ATR)

Art therapy provides a means to express complex thoughts and feelings through creative expression. Individuals use this process to explore feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, reduce anxiety, and increase self-esteem. It also supports and works with imagery that arises in guided sessions.

Mindfulness and Guided Meditation

I gently guide your attention to the present moment using mindfulness and guided meditation. I teach valuable techniques to alleviate stress and restore balance. Mindfulness is key to healing the brain from the effects of trauma and restoring life to the present moment.

Medical Intuition

Throughout my years of practice, I have observed that healing the spirit creates movement and momentum to connect with our authentic selves. Illness is never purely physical or emotional trauma. I practice a holistic approach guided by my medical intuitive abilities, which reveal wounds and sickness created by energy imbalances, negative energetic or spiritual forces, and even past lives. Medical Intuition can reveal a bigger picture of what needs to heal and how to heal it with the guidance and energy of Spirit.

Quantum Rapid Body Transformation

This is an energetic practice that brings increased relief to the body. It can be offered remotely, restoring balance and energy to physical and emotional symptoms.


Vibralite® is spiritual energy in its highest and purest form. Vibralite® is a place infused with the highest vibrations of light, sound, colour, crystalline and star frequencies. This is where Source healing is accessible, fast, powerful, and transformational. It provides instant Connection and attunement with the beauty of Vibralite energies. Once accessed by the healer it can bring healing and vibrancy for your body, mind and spirit.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ allows people to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers. Some people call this the Higher Self, the Over Soul, the Super Conscious. With QHHT®, clients are able to have a much clearer understanding of why things are the way they are — and to ultimately create change within themselves. The results and information are beyond words and are always amazing as the healing takes place in the quantum field for body, mind and soul as we travel thru time to the most appropriate destination for healing to occur in this lifetime.

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.